
March 1, 2024

B2B SEO Tools: Best Rated SEO Tools for B2B

B2B SEO Tools Best Rated SEO Tools for B2B Businesses

Are you looking for the best (Business to Business) B2B SEO tools?

Here, we have prepared a list of the best-rated SEO tools for B2B so that you can grab the most suitable one for you.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a cornerstone for businesses aiming to elevate their online presence and attract potential customers in this digital marketing world. Within Business-to-Business (B2B) marketing, where precision and targeted strategies are crucial, leveraging the right B2B SEO tools can make all the difference in driving traffic, generating leads, and ultimately, clinching deals.

We list down the top 10 B2B SEO tools that can empower your marketing efforts and propel your business towards success:

1. SEMrush

SEMrush is one of the B2B SEO tools that offer a comprehensive suite of features, including keyword research, competitor analysis, backlink auditing, and more. SEMrush equips B2B marketers with invaluable insights to fine-tune their SEO strategies.

Keyword Research:

Marketers like the keyword research functionality of the SEMrush. B2B marketers can dive deep into the intricacies of search queries, uncovering hidden gems and high-value keywords relevant to their industry. With SEMrush’s rich database, marketers gain access to crucial metrics such as search volume, keyword difficulty, and trend analysis, enabling them to tailor their content strategy for maximum impact.

Competitor Analysis: In this highly competitive B2B arena, staying ahead of the curve is a must for you. SEMrush’s competitor analysis tools give marketers a bird’s-eye view of their rivals’ SEO strategies. From identifying top-performing keywords to analyzing backlink profiles, SEMrush equips marketers with the intelligence needed to overcome the competition and carve out their niche in the digital business world.

Backlink Auditing: Backlinks are the backbone of any robust SEO strategy, and SEMrush ensures that marketers have a firm grip on their link profile. With its fantastic backlink auditing tools, SEMrush allows marketers to analyze their backlink profile comprehensively, identifying toxic links and opportunities for growth. With this knowledge, marketers can refine their link-building efforts, bolstering their website’s authority and credibility in the eyes of search engines.

Site Auditing: A well-optimized website forms the cornerstone of any successful SEO campaign. SEMrush’s site auditing feature ensures marketers have all the tools they need to fine-tune their online presence. SEMrush provides marketers with actionable insights to enhance their website’s performance and user experience, from detecting technical issues to optimizing on-page elements.

Insightful Reporting: In the fast-paced world of B2B marketing, data-driven decision-making is vital, and SEMrush delivers on this front with its intuitive reporting capabilities. Marketers can generate comprehensive reports showcasing key metrics and performance indicators, enabling them to track progress, identify trends, and pivot their strategies as needed.

SEMrush isn’t just a tool; it’s one of the most popular B2B SEO tools and a trusted companion on the journey to SEO success. With its unparalleled suite of features and unwavering commitment to innovation, SEMrush empowers B2B marketers to unlock new heights of visibility, engagement, and conversion in the digital landscape.


While primarily known as an inbound marketing platform, HubSpot offers robust SEO tools to help B2B marketers attract organic traffic and convert leads. We added this fantastic tool to our list of the best B2B SEO tools because it helps marketers with everything from keyword research to content optimization. HubSpot streamlines the SEO process for B2B organizations.

Keyword Research: At the core of any successful SEO strategy lies thorough keyword research. HubSpot provides B2B marketers with the tools to identify high-value keywords relevant to their target audience. With HubSpot’s intuitive keyword research tools, marketers can uncover valuable insights into search volume, keyword difficulty, and competition, enabling them to target the most lucrative keywords and phrases that align with their business objectives.

Content Optimization: Creating high-quality, relevant content is essential for driving organic traffic and engaging B2B audiences, and HubSpot’s content optimization tools simplify this process. Marketers can leverage HubSpot’s intuitive content optimization features to analyze existing content, identify optimization opportunities, and implement SEO best practices seamlessly. From optimizing meta tags and headers to improving readability and keyword density, HubSpot equips marketers with the tools to enhance their content’s visibility and relevance in search engine results pages (SERPs). These unique features of HubSpot impressed us enough to place this tool on our B2B SEO tools list.

On-Page SEO Recommendations: Ensuring that each page of a B2B website is optimized for search engines is crucial for maximizing organic visibility. HubSpot’s on-page SEO recommendations provide valuable guidance in this regard. Marketers can rely on HubSpot’s insightful recommendations to identify and address on-page SEO issues, such as missing meta descriptions, duplicate content, and broken links, ensuring their website meets the optimal search engine performance criteria.

Technical SEO Audits: Technical SEO plays a significant role in determining a website’s search engine ranking, and HubSpot’s SEO tools include features for conducting comprehensive technical SEO audits. Marketers can utilize HubSpot’s auditing tools to identify and rectify technical issues impacting their website’s performance, such as site speed, mobile-friendliness, and crawlability, ensuring a seamless user experience and better visibility in search results.

Performance Tracking and Reporting: In the fast-paced world of B2B marketing, tracking and measuring SEO performance is essential for evaluating the effectiveness of optimization efforts and making data-driven decisions. HubSpot’s performance tracking and reporting tools provide marketers with actionable insights into key SEO metrics, such as organic traffic, keyword rankings, and conversion rates, enabling them to gauge the impact of their SEO strategies and refine their approach for tremendous success.

3. Moz

Moz Free is an excellent SEO tool you can try if you do not want to spend money. Moz Pro can be considered as a powerhouse when you are looking for the best B2B SEO tools for your businesses. You can use the tools for keyword research, site audits, rank tracking, and link analysis. With Moz Pro, B2B marketers can optimize their websites for search engines and enhance their organic search performance.

Regarding search engine optimization (SEO), Moz stands as a beacon of innovation and excellence, offering free and paid solutions tailored to the needs of B2B marketers. Whether just starting your SEO journey or seeking advanced tools to elevate your strategy, Moz has you covered with its comprehensive features and unwavering commitment to excellence.

Moz Free: For B2B marketers looking to dip their toes into the world of SEO without breaking the bank, Moz Free is an invaluable resource. With its user-friendly interface and essential features, Moz Free gives marketers the tools to lay a solid foundation for their SEO efforts. This is undoubtedly one of the best free B2B SEO tools available.

From keyword research to site audits, Moz Free equips marketers with the insights needed to optimize their websites for search engines and drive organic traffic. Whether identifying high-value keywords or uncovering technical issues hindering your site’s performance, Moz Free provides actionable insights to help you achieve your SEO goals without any upfront cost.

Moz Pro: For B2B marketers seeking to take their SEO strategy to the next level, Moz Pro emerges as a powerhouse of functionality and innovation. With its comprehensive suite of features, Moz Pro provides marketers with the tools they need to refine their keyword research, conduct in-depth site audits, track rankings, and analyze backlinks.

Keyword Research: Moz Pro’s advanced keyword research tools enable marketers to identify high-value keywords with precision and accuracy. With features like keyword difficulty analysis and SERP analysis, marketers can uncover untapped opportunities and tailor their content strategy for maximum impact.

Site Audits: A well-optimized website forms the foundation of any successful SEO campaign, and Moz Pro’s site audit feature ensures that marketers have all the tools they need to fine-tune their online presence. From detecting technical issues to optimizing on-page elements, Moz Pro provides marketers with actionable insights to enhance their website’s performance and user experience.

Rank Tracking: Monitoring keyword rankings is essential for gauging the effectiveness of your SEO efforts, and Moz Pro’s rank tracking feature makes it easy to track progress over time. With customizable reports and insightful metrics, marketers can better understand their SEO performance and make data-driven decisions to improve results.

Link Analysis: Backlinks play a crucial role in SEO, and Moz Pro’s advanced link analysis tools provide marketers with the insights needed to build a robust link profile. From identifying high-quality link opportunities to monitoring competitor backlink profiles, Moz Pro equips marketers with the intelligence needed to fight the competition and enhance their website’s authority in the eyes of search engines.

Both Moz Free and Pro are incredible B2B SEO tools, and you can pick one that best serves your purposes to unlock the full potential of your SEO strategy. Whether you’re just starting or looking to take your strategy to new heights, Moz has the tools and expertise to help you achieve your goals and drive sustainable growth in the ever-changing digital landscape.

4. Ahrefs

Ahrefs is renowned for its robust backlink analysis capabilities. Ahrefs provides B2B marketers with actionable data to refine link-building strategies, identify opportunities, and monitor competitors’ backlink profiles.

Backlink Analysis: At the core of Ahrefs lies its unique backlink analysis functionality. B2B marketers can harness the power of Ahrefs to delve deep into the intricacies of their backlink profile, gaining valuable insights into the quality, quantity, and relevance of their inbound links. With Ahrefs’ comprehensive database and sophisticated algorithms, marketers can identify both the strengths and weaknesses of their link profile, paving the way for informed decision-making and strategic optimization. This is the backlink master tool you need as one of the best B2B SEO tools for your business.

Refining Link-Building Strategies: In the competitive era of B2B SEO, building a robust link profile is essential for driving organic traffic and enhancing search engine visibility. Ahrefs equips marketers with the tools needed to refine their link-building strategies. It allows them to identify high-quality link opportunities and eliminate toxic links that may harm their website’s reputation. By leveraging Ahrefs’ advanced metrics and insights, marketers can develop a targeted approach to link building, focusing on quality over quantity and maximizing the impact of their efforts.

Identifying Link-Building Opportunities: Besides analyzing their backlink profile, B2B marketers can use Ahrefs to uncover untapped link-building opportunities within their industry. Marketers can identify gaps and leverage Ahrefs’ insights to establish themselves as authoritative voices within their niche by exploring competitor backlink profiles and analyzing link-building strategies across the digital landscape. Whether it’s guest blogging, resource link building, or digital PR, Ahrefs provides marketers with the intelligence to execute targeted link-building campaigns precisely and efficiently.

Monitoring Competitors’ Backlink Profiles: In B2B marketing, keeping a close eye on competitors is essential for staying ahead of the curve. Ahrefs enables marketers to monitor competitors’ backlink profiles, tracking new inbound links, lost links, and overall link growth over time. With this intelligence, marketers can better understand their competitors’ SEO strategies, identify emerging trends, and adapt their tactics accordingly.

5. Google Analytics

Google Analytics offers in-depth insights into website traffic, user behaviour, and conversion metrics you need as a marketer to operate your website. B2B marketers can leverage this tool as one of the most accurate B2B SEO tools to measure the effectiveness of their SEO efforts and make data-driven decisions.

Comprehensive Insights: At its core, Google Analytics provides B2B marketers comprehensive insights into various aspects of their website’s performance. From tracking overall website traffic to analyzing user engagement metrics such as bounce rate, session duration, and pages per session, Google Analytics offers a holistic view of how visitors interact with a website. With this wealth of data, marketers can identify areas of strength and weakness, pinpointing opportunities for optimization and improvement.

User Behavior Analysis: Understanding user behaviour lies at the heart of effective SEO strategy, and Google Analytics excels. Marketers can delve deep into user behaviour metrics, gaining insights into how visitors navigate their website, which pages they frequent, and where they drop off. Marketers can identify opportunities to enhance website usability, streamline navigation, and optimize conversion paths by analyzing user behaviour patterns, ultimately driving greater engagement and conversions.

Conversion Tracking: For B2B marketers, conversions are the ultimate success metric, and Google Analytics offers robust tools for tracking and measuring conversions. Whether lead generation, form submissions, or product purchases, Google Analytics allows marketers to set conversion goals and track their performance over time. By monitoring conversion metrics such as conversion rate, goal completions, and revenue, marketers can gauge the effectiveness of their SEO efforts and make data-driven decisions to optimize for tremendous conversion success.

SEO Performance Measurement: In the ever-evolving landscape of SEO, measuring the effectiveness of optimization efforts is essential for success. Google Analytics provides the tools needed to do just that. Marketers can track key SEO metrics such as organic traffic, keyword rankings, and search engine referral traffic, gaining insights into the impact of their SEO strategies on website visibility and performance. With this knowledge, marketers can refine their SEO tactics, focusing on high-impact areas to drive tremendous organic search success.

Data-Driven Decision-Making: In the fast-paced world of B2B marketing, data-driven decision-making is paramount, and Google Analytics is a trusted ally. By harnessing the power of data and analytics, marketers can make informed decisions backed by tangible insights and evidence. Whether it’s refining SEO strategies, optimizing website content, or allocating marketing budgets, Google Analytics empowers marketers to drive more significant ROI and achieve measurable results.

B2B SEO Tools Best Rated SEO Tools for B2B Businesses infographic

6. Google Search Console

Another essential tool from Google, Search Console, provides B2B marketers with valuable information about their website’s performance in Google search results. It offers insights into search queries, click-through rates, and indexing issues, enabling marketers to optimize their websites for better visibility.

Insights into Search Queries: At the heart of Google Search Console lies its ability to provide B2B marketers with insights into the search queries that drive website traffic. Although this tool may not look like other B2B SEO tools, you will use it for its unique features. Marketers can access valuable data on the keywords and phrases users enter into Google’s search engine to discover their websites. With this knowledge, marketers can tailor their SEO strategies to target high-performing keywords, optimize content accordingly, and capitalize on search trends to maximize visibility and engagement.

Click-Through Rates Analysis: Understanding click-through rates (CTR) is essential for assessing the effectiveness of organic search listings and optimizing them for better performance. Google Search Console offers B2B marketers valuable data on CTR metrics, allowing them to gauge the success of their website’s search snippets and enticing users to click through to their site. Marketers can identify opportunities to improve meta titles, descriptions, and rich snippets by analyzing CTR data to enhance click-through rates and drive more targeted website traffic.

Indexing Issues Detection: Ensuring that Google correctly indexes a website is crucial for maximizing search visibility and ensuring that content is discoverable to users. Google Search Console helps B2B marketers identify any indexing issues hindering their website’s performance in search results. From crawl errors to indexing errors, Search Console provides detailed reports and alerts, enabling marketers to address issues promptly and ensure their website is fully accessible and visible to search engine crawlers.

Performance Tracking and Optimization: By providing comprehensive performance tracking tools, Google Search Console empowers B2B marketers to monitor and optimize their website’s search visibility over time. Marketers can track key metrics such as impressions, clicks, and average position in search results, gaining valuable insights into the impact of their SEO efforts. With this data, marketers can refine their SEO strategies, identify areas for improvement, and capitalize on opportunities to enhance their website’s visibility and performance in Google search results.

Mobile Usability and Site Speed Insights: In an era where mobile search is dominant, optimizing for mobile usability and site speed is essential for SEO success. Google Search Console offers B2B marketers valuable insights into their website’s mobile usability and performance, highlighting areas for improvement and optimization. By addressing mobile usability issues and optimizing site speed, marketers can ensure that their website delivers a seamless user experience across all devices, ultimately improving search visibility and driving greater engagement and conversions. This feature makes the tool unavoidable for a marketer, and they consider it one of the most unavoidable B2B SEO tools for businesses.

7. BuzzSumo

Content plays a pivotal role in B2B SEO, and BuzzSumo helps marketers identify trending topics, analyze competitors’ content strategies, and discover key influencers in their niche. By creating compelling content that resonates with their target audience, B2B marketers can enhance their SEO efforts.

Trend Identification: At the heart of BuzzSumo lies its ability to identify trending topics and themes that resonate with the target audience. B2B marketers can leverage BuzzSumo’s powerful search functionality to discover the latest trends and hot topics in their industry, gaining valuable insights into what content topics are currently capturing their audience’s attention. By staying abreast of industry trends, marketers can tailor their content strategy to address relevant topics and capitalize on opportunities to attract organic traffic and engagement. You cannot underestimate this tool as one of the best B2B SEO tools at present because it’s a must to perform any marketing campaign based on trends.

Competitor Content Analysis: In B2B marketing, keeping a close eye on competitors’ content strategies is essential for staying ahead of the curve. BuzzSumo allows marketers to analyze competitors’ content performance, identifying top-performing articles, blog posts, and social media shares. Marketers can refine their content strategy by gaining insights into competitors’ content tactics and audience engagement metrics, identifying gaps and opportunities to differentiate themselves and enhance their SEO efforts.

Influencer Identification: Influencer marketing has become a powerful strategy for amplifying brand reach and engagement. BuzzSumo provides B2B marketers with the tools to identify key influencers in their niche. BuzzSumo enables marketers to discover influential voices within their industry by analyzing social media shares and engagement metrics, forging strategic partnerships and collaborations to enhance content distribution and SEO efforts. By leveraging key thought leaders and industry experts’ influence, marketers can amplify their content reach and establish themselves as authoritative voices within their niche.

Content Performance Tracking: Measuring the effe

ctiveness of content is essential for refining SEO strategies and optimizing performance over time, and BuzzSumo offers robust tools for tracking content performance. Marketers can monitor metrics such as social media shares, backlinks, and engagement metrics, gaining insights into the impact of their content on audience engagement and SEO visibility. Marketers can identify top-performing content assets by analyzing content performance data, optimizing their distribution strategies, and refining their content approach to drive more significant organic traffic and conversions.

8. Screaming Frog SEO Spider

This desktop-based tool is indispensable for conducting website audits and identifying technical SEO issues. This is one of the most effective B2B SEO tools marketers can use, Screaming Frog to uncover crawl errors, broken links, and duplicate content, ensuring their website is optimized for search engines.

Website Audits: At the core of Screaming Frog SEO Spider lies its ability to conduct thorough website audits, providing marketers with invaluable insights into their websites’ technical health. By crawling websites and analyzing various technical elements, such as URLs, meta tags, headers, and internal linking structures, Screaming Frog enables marketers to uncover potential issues impacting their website’s search engine performance. From crawl errors to broken links, duplicate content, and missing meta descriptions, Screaming Frog provides marketers with a comprehensive overview of their website’s SEO health, empowering them to address issues and optimize for better search engine visibility.

Crawl Errors and Broken Links: Crawl errors and broken links can significantly hinder a website’s search engine performance, impacting its crawlability and indexability. Screaming Frog SEO Spider allows marketers to quickly identify crawl errors and broken links, enabling them to rectify issues and ensure that all website pages are accessible to search engine crawlers. By promptly addressing crawl errors and broken links, marketers can improve their website’s crawl efficiency and enhance its chances of ranking higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Duplicate Content Detection: Duplicate content can dilute a website’s search engine authority and confuse search engine algorithms, leading to lower rankings and diminished visibility. Screaming Frog SEO Spider includes:

  • Features for detecting duplicate content.
  • Allowing marketers to identify instances of duplicate URLs.
  • Meta tags.
  • On-page content.

By eliminating duplicate content issues, marketers can strengthen their website’s SEO foundation, improve user experience, and enhance their chances of ranking higher in search engine results. This super helpful feature has made this tool one of the best B2B SEO tools for marketers.

URL Structure Analysis: A well-structured URL hierarchy is essential for user experience and search engine optimization. Screaming Frog SEO Spider gives marketers the tools to analyze and optimize their website’s URL structure. Marketers can use Screaming Frog to evaluate URL lengths, parameters, and redirects, ensuring their website’s URLs are concise, descriptive, and optimized for search engines. By optimizing URL structures, marketers can enhance their website’s crawlability, improve user experience, and increase their chances of ranking higher in search engine results.

9. SpyFu

With a focus on competitor intelligence, SpyFu empowers B2B marketers to gain insights into their competitors’ SEO strategies, including the keywords they target, the backlinks they acquire, and the ads they run. By understanding the competitive landscape, B2B marketers can refine their SEO tactics and stay ahead of the curve.

Competitor Keyword Analysis: At the heart of SpyFu lies its ability to unravel competitors’ keyword strategies, providing B2B marketers with invaluable insights into the keywords they target and the organic search landscape. By analyzing competitor keyword rankings, search volumes, and click-through rates, SpyFu empowers marketers to identify high-value keywords and opportunities for optimization. With this intelligence, marketers can refine their keyword targeting strategies, uncover untapped niches, and gain a competitive edge in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Backlink Analysis: Backlinks serve as a cornerstone of SEO success, and SpyFu equips marketers with the B2B SEO tools needed to analyze competitors’ backlink profiles and uncover their link-building strategies. By identifying the sources of competitors’ backlinks, the anchor text used, and the authority of linking domains, SpyFu enables marketers to gain insights into effective link-building tactics and opportunities for acquiring high-quality backlinks. Leveraging this intelligence, marketers can develop targeted link-building campaigns, enhance their website’s authority, and improve search engine rankings.

Ad Intelligence: Besides organic search, paid advertising plays a significant role in B2B marketing as one of the coolest B2B SEO tools. SpyFu also offers insights into competitors’ ad strategies. Marketers can analyze competitors’ ad copy, ad spend, and ad performance metrics, gaining insights into the most effective ad messaging and targeting strategies. By understanding competitors’ paid advertising tactics, marketers can refine their ad campaigns, optimize ad copy and targeting parameters, and maximize their ROI from paid search.

Competitor Comparison: SpyFu allows marketers to compare their SEO performance against competitors, providing side-by-side comparisons of key metrics such as organic search rankings, keyword overlap, and backlink profiles. By benchmarking their performance against competitors, marketers can identify strengths and weaknesses, uncover opportunities for improvement, and refine their SEO strategies to outperform the competition.

Strategy Refinement: Armed with the insights from SpyFu, B2B marketers can refine their SEO tactics with precision and confidence. Whether optimizing keyword targeting, enhancing link-building efforts, or fine-tuning ad campaigns, SpyFu, one of the most trusted B2B SEO tools, empowers marketers to make data-driven decisions and stay ahead of the competitive digital landscape.

10. SE Ranking

Designed with SEO professionals in mind, SE Ranking offers a comprehensive set of tools for keyword tracking, competitor analysis, and website auditing. B2B marketers can leverage SE Ranking to monitor their search engine rankings, track progress over time, and identify areas for improvement.

Keyword Tracking: At the heart of SE Ranking lies its powerful keyword tracking capabilities, enabling B2B marketers to quickly monitor their search engine rankings. With SE Ranking’s intuitive dashboard, marketers can track the performance of their target keywords across various search engines, gaining insights into keyword fluctuations, trends, and competition. With this intelligence, marketers can identify high-performing keywords, track progress over time, and refine their SEO strategies to optimize for maximum visibility and engagement.

Competitor Analysis: Understanding the competitive landscape is essential for SEO success, and SE Ranking provides B2B marketers with the tools needed to analyze competitors’ strategies and stay ahead of the curve. With SE Ranking’s competitor analysis features, marketers can gain insights into competitors’ keyword rankings, backlink profiles, and overall SEO performance. By benchmarking their performance against competitors, marketers can identify strengths and weaknesses, uncover opportunities for improvement, and refine their SEO tactics to outperform the competition.

Website Auditing: A well-optimized website forms the foundation of any successful SEO campaign. SE Ranking’s website auditing tools enable marketers to identify and address technical issues that may impact their search engine rankings. From crawl errors to broken links, duplicate content, and page speed issues, SE Ranking’s website auditing features provide marketers with a comprehensive overview of their website’s SEO health. By addressing technical issues promptly, marketers can improve their website’s crawlability, user experience, and search engine visibility, ultimately driving more significant organic traffic and engagement.

Performance Tracking and Reporting: In the data-driven world of B2B marketing, tracking and measuring performance is essential for evaluating the effectiveness of SEO efforts and making informed decisions. SE Ranking’s performance tracking and reporting tools enable marketers to easily monitor key SEO metrics, such as keyword rankings, organic traffic, and backlink profiles. With SE Ranking’s customizable reports and intuitive analytics dashboard, marketers can gain insights into performance trends, identify improvement areas, and confidently communicate progress to stakeholders.

Strategy Refinement: As one of the most strategic B2B SEO tools with the insights and intelligence provided by SE Ranking, B2B marketers can refine their SEO strategies with precision and confidence. Whether optimizing keyword targeting, analyzing competitors’ tactics, or addressing technical issues on their websites, SE Ranking empowers marketers to make data-driven decisions and achieve measurable results in the competitive digital landscape.


As a marketer, you must use SEO tools to ensure you are going in the right direction. This article on B2B SEO tools aims to give an overview of the rated SEO tools for B2B businesses so that you do not face any difficulties finding the most suitable one. 

You may also read: Best SEO tools seoview.io