The 6 m model of integrated marketing communication (IMC) has become a buzzword and I can not stop myself from talking about it. There are various reasons that make business owners, marketers, and strategists give more emphasis on it. So, if you want to know about and implement it in your or your client’s business, then read the article thoroughly.
What is integrated marketing communication?
To define, Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) refers to a process where various marketing communications are blended to provide unchanged messages to customers.
What is the 6 m Model of Integrated Marketing Communication?
It is a model where marketers need to consider 6 major elements to plan and execute a marketing plan or campaign. Using the framework makes the campaign more effective and you can expect a better outcome from your campaign. Moreover, it will keep you on track as you are using multiple channels for communications.

Let’s see the 6 M Model of Integrated Marketing Communication
1. Market
A market is nothing but a mix of your potential and actual customers. When you are targeting your customers, make sure you are doing it right. Otherwise, your communication may end up not getting the expected results. Your message should be suitable for your target market.
For example, use copy and visuals that is interesting and understandable to your target audiences. Do not try to be creative with your CTA(Call to Action). If you fail to make your customers understand what they need to do, the aim of your communication becomes ineffective.
2. Mission
As a marketer, first you need to have a clear idea about your mission of the communication. Have a solid target for the main goal of the campaign. If you know what you want, it will help you keep in line and work accordingly. Otherwise, you may get distracted and share a message that is not aligned with your targeted goal.
If you want to generate sales, try to align all your communication messages focusing on that. There should be the same messages in all the media you are using for the campaign.
3. Message
Crafting a perfect message is an art and can help you get more than your expectation from a campaign. You need to spend enough time understanding your customers before crafting the message. You need to give the message they want to receive. Try to figure out their needs and want so that your message will be attractive and appealing to your target audiences.
You should be specific and clear about your offerings because most of your customers will not spend more time on this. So, your message should have an attractive hook that increases the curiosity of your customers as they get the message.
4. Media
At present, you have so many different media to use for sending your messages to your customers. Choosing the right media impacts the outcome of your campaign. Where using one media may not be enough to deliver your message. In the same way, using many media may be challenging and can backfire if you fail to use them right.
Make sure that your message should not different in different media. If your customers get mixed messages, they will get confused. So, first, choose the media that is more suitable for you and if you can go for multiple media as well.
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5. Money
Money is the most crucial element of the 6 m model of integrated marketing communication. It works as the fuel that helps run your campaign and it will tell your limit as well. You should fix a budget for your campaign and start planning accordingly. It is not a good idea to run a campaign that may exceed your budget. Make a plan that can be executed within your budget.
It can be a great indicator of choosing the media for your campaign. Each media has a unique cost structure and you should choose them according to the budget of your campaign.
6. Measurement
Here is the final element, the measurement of your campaign. After planning and executing your campaign, it’s time to analyze how did it go. Was the campaign successful or not? Did you get the desired outcome from the campaign? In this stage, you need to measure the result of your campaign and make a report. This does not only give you insights into the campaign but also helps you plan your upcoming campaigns.
The 6 m model of integrated marketing communication is a must-learn topic for a marketer. IMC may seem complicated for a beginner, but it is worth giving your effort. Your chance of running a successful campaign will increase using the holistic approach to marketing.